Mission 3 - SOLANA
Exploring block details
Last updated
Exploring block details
Last updated
We are evolving. In the last two missions, we set up our Phantom wallet and understood how to personalize our account and read the information such as token balance and account details. Phantom wallet is just a way to visualize a part of what is on the blockchain and is more focused on managing your balance on each token.
There are other ways to view your wallet and the transactions that took place on the blockchain, which are scan websites. And in this mission we will learn how to use them.
Attention, do not confuse scan
with scam
! Scan with N means to examine, probe, explore. Scam with M stands for fraud, swindle, a fraudulent scheme. We’re not messing with any scams here, okay!? 😇
Just to recap, when confirming mission 1, you received 1 point something MELK and in mission 2, you received 5 MELK. There were two transactions carried out to reward your good performance.
So let's learn to view these transactions.
Each blockchain has one or more websites that can be used to view transactions, but each has an "official" website that most people use.
In Solana's case you can use Solscan, which can be accessed at https://solana.fm/
There’s also https://explorer.solana.com and https://solscan.io/ for example. Feel free to explore them later just out of curiosity. The difference between them is the way they show the information, the easiness to save addresses and the monitoring with notifications by e-mail for certain transactions.
Open your browser and go to https://solana.fm/
You will see a page as shown in the image below.
Do you remember mission 1 where we copied our public address (similar to a Bank key, bank account number) from Phantom? For this mission, we'll have to copy it again.
Open the Phantom extension at the top right of your browser. Then copy your public address as shown in the image:
After copying the address, paste it into the SolanaFM search field and press enter.
The result should be similar to this. Let's find our transactions!
In the section "Assets in Account" you can find MELK token and it's balance to the right. This is the total you have so far, if you scroll down, you can see more details, with a tab called Transactions. There you should see 2 transactions so far, which are related to Mission 1 and Mission 2 rewards, click on any of these two to see their details.
This is the view showing the transaction details, the "Transaction Flow" box shows the sender of the transaction (our bot wallet), the amount of tokens transferred, and the receiver account (your public wallet address shared in the first mission). Below that you also have the flow related to the fees paid to make this transaction, originated from the sender and paid to the network.
There are other information related to the "Accounts Involved", and the operations that happened to fulfill the transaction, but we don't need to go into that level of details. Understanding how to read overall transaction flow and the information that identify them is our objective here.
Simply put, when a transaction is requested and authenticated, it is placed in a block, which will represent the transactions that are within it. It is important to understand that a block contains multiple transactions.
Here is a summary of the process:
Congratulations on getting here! Head over to the Melk experiment mission 3 channel on Discord and send a message with the transaction hash that has the value of 1 MELK token, which we saw on the SolanaFM website. In my case, I would send this value: XXXX
To copy it completely, click on it. This will take you to another page, like this one, which we will see in more details in the next lesson:
From there, just copy from the button marked above and send it on Discord!
If you have any questions, feel free to message us on our Discord chat channel.
In this mission we had 2 lessons: We learned how transactions work and we learned to visualize our transactions using Solana Blockchain Scan site.