Installation Manual
This manual is intended for server administrators who wish to install the MelkBot and make it available for their Discord community. If you are a user, there is no need to follow these instructions.
Installing the Melk Bot is simple and consists of two steps: 1/ accessing the Discord authorization link and 2/ running the installation command within Discord.
Authorizing the bot
Enter this application link and choose the server you want to install the bot on. Then click [Continue]. Once you click, the permissions used by the bot will appear. I will explain the required permissions for security and reliability purposes:
Manage Channels: This permission is required for creating Discord categories and channels that will serve as the validation gateway for each mission. Once you configure the bot, it will create a project-specific category and all the mission channels within the category.
Read Messages: Read messages is required for us to take the users' proof of mission, validate it, and send the reward in MELK based on the message.
Thread Permissions (Send messages in threads, create public threads, create private threads, manage threads): These permissions are used in case of an eventual creation of threads.
Manage Messages: We need this permission to manage messages and store their ID in the database for later checking. The only messages we manage are the ones in the project channels.
Embed Links: This permission is needed for us to embed external links from each mission that point to our website (currently in gitbook).
Attach Files: files can be sent in bot messages, referring to images, PDFs or other files related to the lessons.
Read Message History: we use it to re-process old messages that, for some reason, were not processed and to send rewards.
Mention @everyone @here and All Roles: we use this to announce missions, notifying users.
Add reactions: we use reactions to inform users about the result of quests (to validate, invalid message, etc)
Use External Emoji/Stickers: send emojis and stickers in messages, aesthetic
Use application commands: run standard application commands
Note: if you wish, you can change specific permissions of other categories, so that the above permissions will exist only in the category of the project.
Once approved, you will probably have to go through the "captcha", and then you will receive a notification that the bot has joined your server. Make sure the bot is on your server. It will appear in the member list.
Setting up the bot
The bot configuration is simplified and automated. To start with the first trail, make sure to enter the commands in the appropriate public channel. Use the command: !melk configServer, followed by the desired language (pt-BR or en) and the initial trail (currently, we have two options: basic or neo).
If you wish to add another trail, continue to use the public channel and use the command: !melk installTrail, followed by the name of the desired trail (also available: basic or neo). When adding a new trail, the language used will be the same as the initial configuration (pt-BR or en, depending on the case).
Here is a table with the complete commands:
1st installation
!melk configServer pt-BR basic
1st installation
!melk configServer en basic
1st installation
!melk configServer pt-BR neo
1st installation
!melk configServer en neo
Add a trail
!melk installTrail basic
Adds the "Basic" trail to the same server in the initially configured language.
Add a trail
!melk installTrail neo
Adds the "NEO" trail to the same server in the initially configured language.
Please note you have to be the ower of the server in order to install and configurate the bot.
Last updated